Love, Career, Health, Money;
What's Your Biggest Vision?
Replace traditional goal setting with techniques that actually work!
"This hour and half with Julie has given me more energy and feeling "I want and I really can" like I have never experienced before. It has been powerful and so much needed kick off to my new Me!”
Luba T
"If you're wanting and ready for change, to be inspired, motivated and level up, look no further!"
Candice M

All The Tools You Need To Manifest A Successful Life
I used to write out goals every year and then cross my fingers that they would come true. Year after year the frustration of repeating the same goals with no success began to impact my hopes.
Sound familiar?
Well, all this changed when I realized how powerful we are to create our dreams. Reaching goals is not about hoping or sacrificing the key areas of your life. There isn't a cost to achieving a goal.
Nope, in fact all your dreams can materialize by understanding an important concept . . .
You are in charge of creating. Your mind is more powerful than you think and when you understand the relationship between your conscious and subconscious mind, magic literally happens.
Learn how to stop sabotaging self, and align with the universe to support your dreams!
In this 'Vision' course, you will learn simple strategies to create a clear vision, turbo charge your creative power, and set best practices to make this happen quickly.
Register for the online workshop.

There has never been a better time to to join our online workshop.
Vision is a Workshop that will give you a roadmap that will allow you to really start living the life that you want!
Julie Cass, Founder of The Positive Change Group, created this powerful workshop so that your inspired change is lasting.
You will be facilitated through a process that allows you to uncover your deepest desires. In this live online workshop, you'll learn:
- How to get clarity on what you actually want to create; your BIG vision.
- How to get in alignment to actualize your dreams with ease.
- Daily practices to manifest your desires quickly.
Eliminate fear, step into belief and make your future the best ever!
You are not going to want to miss this. Continue to get a life time of payback for only 90 minutes of your time.
Workshop includes:

Vision Template: easy to fill out and create a vision for the 5 most important areas of your life. (Health, Money, Inner-peace, or connection to that which is greater, Purpose/Career, Relationships)

On-line workshop allows you do the course at a time and place that suits you best!

Workbook exercises to clear your blocks on manifesting.

Downloadable Meditation 'Unlocking your Creative Powers’.

Access to recorded video modules so that you can remove the limiting beliefs that are blocking your progress.